EXIT To exit the program

OPEN To open a data file and read selected molecules
Keywords Value type or
FILE Text string File to be opened. The format is specified by the extension
MOLECULE Text string Molecule(s) to be read (may include wildcards but not a list)
OPTIONS List of values  
NOHYDROGENS Do not automatically add hydrogens (useful for search queries)
HYDROGENS Force automatic hydrogen addition (not default for PDB)
NAME Text string Field containing molecule names (SDF and RDF files only)
CHAIN Single value from list Control the creation of molecules for protein chains (PDB files only)
SEPARATE Place each protein chain in a separate molecule
MERGE Place all protein chains in a single molecule (default)
LOGIC Single value from list Combine file and current pharmacophores
NEW Replace current profile with that from the file
ADD Add file to current profile
AND Logical AND of file with current profile
OR Logical OR (arithmetic MAXIMUM) of file and current profiles
EOR Logical EOR of file and current profiles
NOT Retain current pharmacophores NOT in file profile

SAVE To save selected molecules and/or data in a file
Keywords Value type or
FILE Text string File to be created. The format is specified by the extension.
FORMAT Single value from list To specify the format (takes precedence over extension)
CSV Comma delimited file of SMILES and property values
SMILES SMILES file format (.smi)
SD MACCS SD file format (.sdf)
SET List of molecule names (.set)
CONFORMERS MACCS SD file format of conformers (.sdf)
PHARMS Pharmacophore file format (.phm)
PDB Protein Data Bank file format (.pdb)
TYPES Atom type data (.typ)
LENGTHS Bond lengths and constants (.bnd)
ANGLES Bond angles and constants (.ang)
RINGCOORD Ring coordinates (for conformational analysis) (.rng)
RINGTORS Ring torsion angles (for conformational analysis) (.tor)
RD MACCS RD file format (.rdf)
PROFILE Pharmacophore profile file format (.pro)
KEYS 2D Functional group keys (.key)
PHCOORDS Pharmacophore coordinates (in SD format) from a pharmacophore profile
MAP Map format (.map)
MOLECULE Text string Molecule(s) to be saved (may include wildcards but not a list) (default: All)
OPTIONS List of values  
NOFIELDS Omit field data from file
FILTER Apply property and substructure filters from learn file (with activity field name)
HYDROGENS To include hydrogens in 2D MACCS SD and PDB file formats
TRANSFORMS To include hydrogens and write connection types 0-9 to A in SMILES
MOLECULE Include molecule name in pharmacophore (PHM) and key (KEY) files
NOHYDROGENS Omit hydrogens from 3D MACCS SD file format
PARENT Convert to parent ("neutral") molecule (important for pharmacophores)
NOKEYS Omit KEYS field from CSV format
R-GROUPS Text string List of R-group component files (previously read)
MAP Text string Map(s) to be saved (may include wildcards)
QUERY Text string Query molecule name (to which an enumerated molecule is fitted)

CLOSE To close the specified file (deleting the molecules from memory)
Keywords Value type or
FILE Text string File to be closed.

LIST To list various data
Keywords Value type or
INFO Single value from list Type of information to be listed
TYPES Atom types
2D-COORDS 2D coordinates
3D-COORDS 3D coordinates
MOLECULES Molecule names
KEYS Functional group keys (in hex)
BOND-ORDERS Connections with bond orders
LENGTHS Bond lengths
ANGLES Bond angles
TORSIONS Torsion angles
FLEXIBILITY Rotatable bonds (with type and increments)
CONFORMERS Torsion angles for acceptable conformers
PHARMS Pharmacophores
CUSTOMISE Customise settings
CHIRAL Chiral centres
PROFILE Pharmacophore profile
SITES Active sites
ATOMS Atoms that match the SELECT criteria
RESIDUES Residues that match the SELECT criteria
MAPS Maps that match the SELECT criteria
CHARGES Partial charges
DISTANCES Interatomic distances
OUTPUT Text string File for output (default=TTY, spreadsheet=WINDOW, print=PRINTER)
MOLECULE Text string Molecules for which data is required
ACTIVITY Text string Activity field for Learn filename (see LEARN) for comparison highlights
QUERY Text string Query molecule (for RMS property listing)
SELECT Text string Restrict output to specified symbols, atoms, residues or maps

SEARCH To search a data file
Keywords Value type or
QUERY Text string Query molecule name
FILE Text string File to be searched (format indicated by extension)
OUTPUT Text string Output file of hits (format indicated by extension)
MODE Single value from list  
EXACT Exact matches (default)
SUBSTRUCTURE Substructure matches
SIMILARITY Similarity matches
3D 3D matches
SITE Active Site matches
R-GROUP R-group component matches (for Combinatorial Chemistry)
PROFILE To search using pharmacophore queries from the current profile
OPTIONS List of values  
ORDER Match bond orders
TYPES Match atom types
REACTION Match group numbers and serial numbers for reaction
PARENT Convert to parent ("neutral") molecule (useful for 3D search)
FILTER Apply property and substructure filters from learn file (with activity field name)
ALL-CONFORMERS To save all conformers rather than just the best conformer in 3D and SITE searches
SIDE-CHAINS Allow side-chains to move in a SITE search (also uses protein extended radii or hydrogen atoms)
RMS Compute RMS for 3D query with Exact and 2D searches
CUTOFF Integer value Minimum cutoff for similarity search or score for Site search
SITE Text string Protein receptor site molecule (for SITE search) or R-group atom (for reagent search)

KEY To generate functional group keys
Keywords Value type or
OPTIONS List of values  
REPORT List keys to screen
NOREPORT Don't list keys to screen
FILE Text string File to be processed
MOLECULE Text string Molecule(s) in memory to be processed

DISPLAY To display molecule(s) or data
Keywords Value type or
MODE Single value from list Display mode (required)
2D 2D display of molecule(s)
3D 3D display of molecule(s)
PANEL 25 panels of plots for different no of centres (0-24)
KEYS Plot of keys vs molecules
HISTOGRAM Histogram of keys for specified molecules
CONFORMERS 3D display of conformers
TILE Tile display of molecules
CUBE 3D plot of molecular volume, lipophilicity and centres
MOLECULE Text string Molecule(s) to be displayed
QUERY Text string Query molecule (superimposed)
ACTIVITY Text string Activity field for colour coding
SIGNIFICANCE Integer value Significance factor for activity classification and colour coding
OPTIONS List of values  
TYPE Atom labels to include atom type
SERIAL Atom labels to include serial number
GROUP Atom labels to include group number
NAME Atom labels to include name (element+serial)
RESIDUE Atom labels to include residue name
SEQUENCE Atom labels to include sequence number, insertion and chain codes
CONTACTS Display CPK/VdW atom contacts
MAPPING Display query-molecule atom fitting correspondence
INTERACTIONS Display query-molecule pharmacophore interactions
PANEL Include the display panel to control colour, visibility etc
STYLE Single value from list  
LINE Line drawing
STICK Bonds cylinder sticks
BALL-AND-STICK Balls for atoms and cylinder sticks for bonds
CPK Balls for atoms at 0.6 of VdW radii
VDW Balls for atoms at VdW radii
MAP Text string Map to be displayed

CALCULATE To calculate various molecular properties
Keywords Value type or
OPTIONS List of values  
REPORT List value(s) to screen
NOREPORT Don't list value(s) to screen
FILTER Apply property and substructure filters from learn file (with activity field name)
PROPERTIES List of values (default 2D+3D properties)
2D 2D Properties
3D 3D Properties
PHARMACOPHORES Pharmacophore profile
MOLECULE Text string Molecule(s) to be processed
FILE Text string File of molecules to be processed (format indicated by extension)
ACTIVITY Text string Activity field for Learn filename (see LEARN) for comparison
QUERY Text string Query molecule (for RMS properties)
MAP Text string Name of the map to be calculated
TYPE Single value from list  
VDW VdW volume
POTENTIAL Electrostatic potential
LIGAND Volume occupied by fitted ligands
CAVITY Cavity map of protein
RESULT Resultant map from combining other maps of the same type
RANGE Text string Map range (min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y,min_z,max_z)
GRID Integer value Separation of grid points (default 0.5 Angstroms)
ATOMS Text string Atoms to be processed (used in conjunction with MOLECULE)
BEST Integer value Number of ligand maps to be kept
FROM Text string Maps defining separated by & (and), ! (not), | (eor) and , (or)

SUGGEST To generate novel molecules
Keywords Value type or
MOLECULE Text string Starting molecule name (usually an active molecule)
OUTPUT Text string Output file for molecules (format indicated by extension)
TRANSFORMS Text string File name for transformations
OPTIONS List of values  
ADD Add to existing property diversity
GROUP Integer value Group number for part of molecule to be modified
MAXIMUM Integer value Maximum no of molecules to be generated
TIME Integer value Maximum no of attempts to build molecules (default no limit)
REJECT Text string File name for rejection substructures
DISPLAY List of values Display properties or resulting molecules
PANEL 25 panels of plots for different no of centres (1-25)
CUBE 3D plot of molecular volume, lipophilicity and centres
LIMIT Integer value Limit property diversity cell occupancy
SITE Text string Specify 3D to preserve the code or protein name or map name
CURB Integer value Curb the number of non-H inserted atoms when this exceeds the curb value by progressively scaling do

DELETE To delete molecules from memory
Keywords Value type or
MOLECULE Text string Remove the specified molecule(s) from memory
MAP Text string Remove the specified map(s) from memory

LEARN To generate a learn file of discriminating property limits and substructures
Keywords Value type or
PROPERTIES Text string Comma separated list of field names, keys and/or pharms for consideration (default all+keys)
OPTIONS List of values  
ADD Add to existing property diversity
CLEAR Clear existing property diversity

CUSTOMISE To set various parameters
Keywords Value type or
BACKGROUND Text string Background colour for display
FOREGROUND Text string Foreground colour for display of plots and 2D molecules
ACTIVE Text string Colour for coding active molecules
INACTIVE Text string Colour for coding inactive molecules
CONTACTS Single value from list  
CPK Use CPK contacts in conformational analysis
VDW Use VdW contacts in conformational analysis
IGNORE Do not check contacts in conformational analysis
FILES Integer value No of files which may be nested in script
SAMPLE Integer value No of conformers to be sampled
CONFORMERS Single value from list  
SYSTEMATIC Systematic search (default)
RANDOM Random sample conformers
SAMPLE Representative sample conformers
SINGLE Integer value No of increments for single bonds (0=disable)
ALPHA Integer value No of increments for alpha bonds (sp3-sp2) (0=disable)
CONJUGATED Integer value No of increments for conjugated bonds (0=disable)
CROWDED Integer value No of increments for crowded bonds (0=disable)
AMIDE Integer value No of increments for amide bonds (0=disable)
RING Integer value No of increments for ring bonds (0=disable)
CPK Integer value Ratio (default 0.6) to VdW radius for CPK contacts check
CENTRES Integer value Number of centres in pharmacophore (3 or 4)
BINS Text string Pharmacophore bin definitions
TYPES Text string Pharmacophore centre types: Enter *, short (D,A,C,B,R,L,N,P,M,X,W,Z) or long names
DONOR Single value from list  
HYDROGEN H-bond donors must have an attached hydrogen (default)
NOHYDROGEN H-bond donors do not require an attached hydrogen
COUNT Single value from list  
CONFORMER Count pharmacophores for conformers
MOLECULE Count unique pharmacophores for molecules (maximum for any conformer)
POPULATION Boltzman percentage population of pharmacophores for molecules
FRACTION Percentage of pharmacophores for molecules (100*count/no of conformers)
ACTIVITY Text string Field containing activity data
ATTRIBUTES List of values  
LOW Low activity value is desirable
HIGH High activity value is desirable
LOG Take log of activity values
NOLOG Do not take log of activity values (default)
ABSOLUTE Significance specified as absolute value(s)
FACTOR Significance specified as fraction of activity value range (default)
SIGNIFICANCE Text string Factor or absolute value(s) (a_min,a_max) for identifying active and inactive sets of molecules
VOLUME Integer value Minimum volume (per non-H atom) for 4 centre pharmacophores (default 0.25)
AREA Integer value Minimum area (per non-H atom) for 3 centre pharmacophores (default 0.25)
ANGLE Integer value Minimum accessibility angle for 3 and 4 centre pharmacophores (default 30)
TIMEOUT Integer value Maximum time (minutes) for conformational generation (default 60)
TOLERANCE Integer value Maximum distance tolerance for 3D and SITE searches (default 0.5)
RESIDUES Single value from list  
ANY Pharmacophores can be defined by any residues (default)
DIFFERENT Pharmacophores must be defined by different residues (search only)
WARP Integer value To set the warp speed (>=0 <100) for SITE searches (default 10)
TILE Integer value To set the tile size (typically 100-300).
NAME Text string To use the specified name as the molecule name field in a MACCS file.
FIELD Text string To create a field with specified name.
RADIUS Single value from list  
TOLERANCE Use atom radius tolerance in 3D/SITE searches when > normal tolerance.
NOTOLERANCE Ignore atom radius in 3D/SITE searches (default).
VDW Text string Contour level and colour for VdW maps (level,colour)
POTENTIAL Text string Contour levels and colours for potential maps (level1,colour1,level2,colour2,etc)
LIGAND Text string Contour level and colour for ligand maps (level,colour)
PHARMACOPHORES Integer value Set the maximum number of pharmacophores to be processed. 0=No limit (default)
EMPTY Integer value To set the pharmacophore bin occupancy (>=0 <100) below which the pharmacophore is ignored
SCORE Single value from list  
CS2.1 Use an enhanced ChemScore for ligand-protein interactions
TS1.0 Use THINKscore for ligand-protein interactions
TWIST Integer value The maximum number of bonds for systematic conformer generation before switching to sample
GENERATE Integer value The maximum number of conformers generated by a systematic search before switching to sample
PRIORITY Single value from list  
LOW To lower the process priority for THINK
NORMAL To restore the process priority for THINK to normal
REJECT Text string Default file name for rejections in SMILES format (THINK_EXEC:reject.smi).
LEARN Text string Default file name for learn file (THINK_EXEC:default.lrn).
EXTENT Integer value Minimum extent (per non-H atom) for 2 centre pharmacophores (default 0.25)

CHECK To check the property values for molecules
Keywords Value type or
ACTIVITY Text string Activity field for Learn filename
REPORT List of values  
SUMMARY Summary information to be listed to the screen
FULL Ful l property listing with comparison highlights
REJECT Text string File of rejection substructures
MOLECULE Text string Molecules in memory to be checked
OUTPUT Text string Output file

SELECT To select molecules from a file using property or pharmacophore diversity (not both).
Keywords Value type or
FILE Text string File of molecules to be processed (format indicated by extension)
OUTPUT Text string Output file of molecules (format indicated by extension)
MODE List of values  
ADD To select molecules which add to existing property or pharmacophore diversity
AND To select molecules with pharmacophores which overlap with the existing diversity
DISPLAY List of values  
PANEL 25 panels of plots for different no of centres (1-25)
CUBE 3D plot of molecular volume, lipophilicity and centres
LIMIT Integer value Limit to the property diversity cell occupancy
PHARMACOPHORES Integer value Minimum number of new pharmacophores for molecule to be selected

ROTATE To rotate all the molecules in memory
Keywords Value type or
ABOUT Text string Axis for rotation (X, Y, Z or atom1-atom2 for bond; atom1 moves)
ANGLE Integer value Angle for rotation
TOBOND Text string Pair of atoms for vector to be aligned to Z axis
TOPLANE Text string List of atoms for plane to be oriented in X,Y plane
TOFIT Text string Pairs (>3) of atoms to be fitted (first move)
TOMAP Text string Name of map to be oriented in X,Y plane.

PLOT To display molecule(s) or data to the printer or plotter
Keywords Value type or
MODE Single value from list Display mode
2D 2D display of molecule(s)
3D 3D display of molecule(s)
PANEL 25 panels of plots for different no of centres (0-24)
KEYS Plot of keys vs molecules
HISTOGRAM Histogram of keys for specified molecules
CONFORMERS 3D display of conformers
TILE Tile display of molecules
CUBE 3D plot of molecular volume, lipophilicity and centres
MOLECULE Text string Molecule(s) to be displayed
QUERY Text string Query molecule (superimposed)
ACTIVITY Text string Activity field for colour coding
SIGNIFICANCE Integer value Significance factor for activity classification and colour coding
OPTIONS List of values  
TYPE Atom labels to include atom type
SERIAL Atom labels to include serial number
GROUP Atom labels to include group number
NAME Atom labels to include name (element+serial)
RESIDUE Atom labels to include residue name
SEQUENCE Atom labels to include sequence number, insertion and chain codes
CONTACTS Display CPK/VdW atom contacts
MAPPING Display query-molecule atom fitting correspondence
INTERACTIONS Display query-molecule pharmacophore interactions
STYLE Single value from list  
LINE Line drawing
STICK Bonds cylinder sticks
BALL-AND-STICK Balls for atoms and cylinder sticks for bonds
CPK Balls for atoms at 0.6 of VdW radii
VDW Balls for atoms at VdW radii

MODIFY To modify the molecules or create complementary centres
Keywords Value type or
MOLECULE Text string Specify the molecule to be modified
LIGAND Text string Specify the ligand molecule (optional for INTERACT)
RATIO Integer value Specify the ratio of the contact radius to VdW radius
DELETE Text string Specify the atoms to be deleted (from one molecule)
MAKE-BOND Text string Specify the atoms to be bonded (in same molecule)
BREAK-BOND Text string Specify the bond to be broken
REBUILD Single value from list  
2D Rebuild 2D coordinates
3D Rebuild 3D coordinates
CONNECTIONS Rebuild connectivity from 3D coordinates
BOND-ORDERS Rebuild bond-orders from 3D coordinates
OPTIMISE Use Molecular Mechanics to optimise 3D coordinates
INTERACTIONS Text string Create complementary centres for molecule
CHANGE Text string Specify atoms to be changed
INSERT Text string Specify new atom for molecule
TO Text string Specify new name for molecule
NAME Text string Specify new name for changed atom
TYPE Text string Specify new type for changed atom
SERIAL Text string Specify new serial number for changed atom
GROUP Text string Specify new group number for changed atom
SITE Text string Find the binding site for the specified protein molecule

CLUSTER To cluster the molecules according to their functional group keys
Keywords Value type or
SIZE Integer value Maximum number of clusters (0=defined by similarity)
SIMILARITY Integer value Minimum similarity between molecules for same cluster

HELP To list this help text

CALL Take commands from the file specified
RETURN Close script file and return to previous file or keyboard
GOTO Jump to specified label in current file
LABEL Specify label (for GOTOs)
LET Assign symbol to value or result of expression
WHILE Loop while condition is true
END End of loop
IF Conditional execution of following statements
ELSE Alternative execution of following statements
ELSEIF Conditional execution of following statements
ENDIF End of conditional/alternative execution
READ Read text from a file (first parameter) into a symbol (second parameter)
WRITE Write text to a file (first parameter) from a symbol (second parameter)